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Police vs aliens gun.PNG

Police vs Aliens (Multiplayer game)

Police vs Aliens is a first person multiplayer game as part of a group project during my third year of university.
The game involves players being on either the police team and destorying the aliens equipment within a time limit or being on the alien team and defending the equipment within a time limit.
Both teams can run around and shoot other players in the game to stop down their objective.

My main roles for this project was concept designer and level designer.

This page contains a link to download the game, a youtube video showcasing the game and a description of the map design and screenshots of the game.

The group members that helped create this game include: Jaspreet Basra, Pratik Parmar and Kristian Hammond. The link was created by Kristian and the Youtube video was created by Jaspreet.

Video playthrough of Police vs Aliens

Map design
The map was designed to look like a military training ground/ facility that has been overrun by aliens. A crashed alien spaceship can be seen on the top left on the image below. The red
X’s on the image are where the alien equipment are located and are the primary objective for the police to destroy.
While initially creating the map the left-hand side part of the map was the whole map however I decided to expand the map size and allow for alternate paths around the map since the initial map design was too small and felt very cramped. At the top and bottom of the map are pathways that lead to the centre part of the map, this is to allow better gameplay flow and allows players to flank opponents.

Police vs aliens overhead.PNG

In-game screenshots of Police vs Aliens

Police vs aliens cover.PNG
Police vs aliens base.PNG
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