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Case 44 (Final year project)

Case 44 takes place in modern times and has the player take control of Detective T Sullivan, a detective that has recently joined the local police force and tasked with uncovering a murder that has taken place in the local area by solving puzzles.

The game makes use of Unity's High definition pipeline to create a detailed and atmospheric environment. This page includes a link to download the game, a youtube video link to watch a playthrough of the game, pre-development sketches of the level designs and some screenshots of the final game.

This project was designed and coded all by myself since it was a individual project and has a greater focus on game design and level design as game / level design is the area of game development I would like to go into as a career.


All assets used are royalty free.

Video playthrough of Case 44

Pre-development sketchs that I drew to visualise how the world would look

In-game screenshots of different areas

FP view of street.PNG
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