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Demonic Vengeance (Narrative game)

Demonic vengeance is a third person narrative game that was created as part of a group project during my final year of university. The game is a prototype of a larger narrative game that we were tasked with creating and writing so the game only includes a intro sequence of this story. The game features voice acted cutscenes by members of my group where I personally voiced the villian of the game, Kage.


My main roles for this project was concept designer, co-script writer and level designer. I thought of the concept of the game where the main character had a close connection with the villian from a previous encounter.


This page contains a link to download the game, a Youtube video showing a playthrough of the game and screenshots of the game.


The group members that helped create this game include: Jaspreet Basra, Pratik Parmar and Kristian Hammond. The link was created by Kristian and the Youtube video was created by Jaspreet.

Video playthrough of Min3r

In-game screenshots of Demonic Vengeance's house that I created

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